Governance: Page 43

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    Ryan McKnight
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    FCC approves T-Mobile, Sprint merger

    The proposed deal still needs to survive a lawsuit brought by multiple state attorneys general before it can become official.

    By Chris Teale • Oct. 18, 2019
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    Chris Teale
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    Virgin Hyperloop One touts bipartisan support at DC showcase

    During a press conference on Capitol Hill, leaders said the technology will alleviate congestion on city streets and result in major economic, time benefits. 

    By Chris Teale • Oct. 18, 2019
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    Deep Dive

    Are ride-hailing regulations going national?

    Lawmakers assailed Uber and Lyft for skipping out on a Congressional hearing this week, noting the companies need to "clean up their acts" in the wake of regulatory consideration.

    By Chris Teale • Oct. 17, 2019
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    Starship Enterprises
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    San Francisco moves closer to creating Office of Emerging Technology

    The office would act as a "front door" to better facilitate technology pilots, allowing for regulation that would not stifle innovation. 

    By Jason Plautz • Updated Dec. 16, 2019
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    How Durham, NC's mayor uses effective behavioral economics

    Steve Schewel's tenure as mayor will include an organic waste recycling program, reinstating thousands of drivers licenses and using social science to get people out of cars. 

    By Cailin Crowe • Oct. 15, 2019
  • Property values 'thrive' near transit, study finds

    APTA and the National Association of Relators saw jumps in residential and commercial buildings' sale prices when located a half-mile from public transit.

    By Chris Teale • Oct. 15, 2019
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    Becky Phan
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    Chicago mayor to pitch controversial IT, fleet department merger

    To help chip away at the city's $838 million budget shortfall, Mayor Lightfoot will propose the merger despite cybersecurity concerns. 

    By Jason Plautz • Oct. 14, 2019
  • Mayors announce Global Green New Deal at C40 Summit

    A coalition of 94 mayors showed support of the deal, intended to encourage emissions reduction in the transportation, buildings, industry and waste sectors.

    By Cailin Crowe • Oct. 10, 2019
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    Wikimedia Commons
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    ​Wichita, KS mayor talks Paris agreement concerns, support for solar

    While Mayor Jeff Longwell decided not to sign his city onto the Paris agreement after the U.S. withdrew in 2017, he's still leading a wave of green initiatives. 

    By Cailin Crowe • Oct. 10, 2019
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    Chris Teale
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    Deep Dive

    How resident mistrust plays into cities' uncertain futures

    Transparency and engagement are key to address resident skepticism about new smart city initiatives, according to speakers at Smart Cities Connect. 

    By Chris Teale • Oct. 9, 2019
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    Wikimedia Commons
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    Columbus, OH mayor shares lessons from award-winning tenure

    Mayor Andrew Ginther detailed his plans to continue developing a smart city that's inclusive of all residents, incorporating equity and affordable housing. 

    By Cailin Crowe • Oct. 8, 2019
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    Brian Tucker/Industry Dive
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    Deep Dive

    The risks of the underinsured scooter market

    If a person is injured while scooting, who's responsible for the incurred costs? Such questions swirl as the insurance sector catches up with technology. 

    By Chris Teale • Oct. 8, 2019
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    Danielle Ternes / Industry Dive
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    Deep Dive

    2019 mayoral elections: How 'smart' are the candidates' platforms?

    Houston incumbent Sylvester Turner, who led the city following Hurricane Harvey in 2017, defeated candidate Tony Buzbee in a Dec. 14 runoff election. 

    By Cailin Crowe, Kira Barrett, Kristin Musulin • Updated Nov. 6, 2019
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    Chris Teale
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    Use data to meet people 'where they are,' for community development, panel says

    Cities can boost economies, close skills gaps and even manage snow plows with a data-driven approach, according to mayors at the Results for America Summit. 

    By Chris Teale • Oct. 4, 2019
  • Waze data-sharing program now available on Google Cloud

    City leaders can glean insights from traffic data with a myriad of different sources, helping Waze to reduce congestion and be a city partner. 

    By Chris Teale • Oct. 2, 2019
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    PX Here
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    London crafts standard agreement to ease 5G rollout

    The guidance is meant to give mobile providers better access to rooftops in an effort to eliminate mobile "not spots" that leave residents disconnected.

    By Jason Plautz • Oct. 1, 2019
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    Elizabeth Regan for CIO Dive
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    Report: No major city prepared for risks of AI

    As AI infiltrates technology and the economy, global cities are slow to develop and execute high-level plans that prepare for its disruptive potential.

    By Jason Plautz • Sept. 30, 2019
  • Finance group renews commitment to city-level climate action

    Funding from the Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance could be crucial to push climate and infrastructure projects as governments struggle with up-front investments.

    By Chris Teale • Sept. 27, 2019
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    Nic Esposito
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    Philadelphia solicits bids for new compost facility with statewide implications

    The city aims to expand organics processing infrastructure via a public-private partnership to reduce annual food waste by nearly 150 tons as part of its 2035 "zero waste" goals.

    By Cole Rosengren • Sept. 27, 2019
  • Bipartisan support for resiliency grows as natural disasters worsen

    Leaders at all levels of government recognize that the "ludicrous" status quo of infrastructure investment cannot continue. 

    By Chris Teale • Sept. 25, 2019
  • Leaders call on federal government to 'do something' amid dire climate warnings

    "It's now a backyard issue," said Rep. Paul Tonko, D-NY. "The public is driving all of us to get to work and address climate as a crisis, as an epidemic." 

    By Chris Teale • Sept. 23, 2019
  • Q&A

    Paris' digital transformation is women-led, app-driven

    Parisians can now engage with governments through Lutece, a digital platform that has evolved city operations under the leadership of CIO Nejia Lanouar.

    By Kristin Musulin • Sept. 23, 2019
  • 6 US cities top list of world's most surveilled

    Atlanta and Chicago are among the top 20. The research firm Comparitech also found "little correlation" between the number of cameras and crime rates. 

    By Jason Plautz • Sept. 23, 2019
  • Seattle City Council approves ride-hailing minimum wage

    Mayor Jenny Durkan said the Fare Share plan, which passed unanimously Monday, "makes sure our hard-fought worker protections are available for our Uber and Lyft drivers."

    By Chris Teale • Updated Nov. 26, 2019
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    Taylor McKnight/Smart Cities Dive
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    Cities Today Institute to serve as CIO, CTO network

    Launched as a "one-stop shop" for city leaders around the world, CTI will provide a forum to share best practices for implementing smart city policies. 

    By Chris Teale • Sept. 19, 2019